Seminars and Workshops Soft Skills Development Workshop-1st Year

Soft Skills Development Plan: 101 (1st & 2nd Semester)

Description of the Workshop

  1. Highlight the significance of Soft Skill at freshman level
  2. Subject Relevant Activity 1
  3. Identification of Pain Points for the Students
  4. Challenges encountered by the students while getting started or navigating a career path
  5. Subject Relevant Activity

Gain Creator and Pain Reliever for the Students: Tips and Techniques

  1. How to overcome the challenges: solutions and opportunities leading to successful
  2. Soft Skill Development Plan
  3. Subject Relevant Activity 3
  4. Case Study (Activity 4)
  5. Third-person perspective to develop interest and ensure in-depth understanding

Practical Application, Quiz and Way Forward

Application of the workshop’s learning for every student: putting theory into practice

Session Recap and feedback from students